
For Success

Personality Development

For Life

(Age 7 to 14 years)

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ENGLISH - The mother tongue of 21st Century

English is a global language spoken by a quarter of the population worldwide. Taught at a young age, it will boost one’s confidence and self-esteem. Hence, learning this language is not just a skill but an asset to survive anywhere in the world.

Start early, Reach Far

English just like any other language is easier to learn or pick up at a young age. Research suggests, young kids have twice as many neural connections in the brain which is what helps them pick up a language faster and more efficiently than an adult, also along with great ease. Therefore, ensuring that your child learns this language at a young age will help in his/her cognitive development and is without a doubt going to be an investment towards their future.

English & Personality skills go hand in hand

There are several aspects to developing confidence in an individual. One among them is to develop a good proficiency in a language. Confidence can be a game-changer in one’s personality. A child with good English language proficiency will have good grammatical knowledge of the language as well as a flawless accent. This will improve the child’s speech skills and help her develop higher self-esteem and self-confidence. .

English & Personality Development (EPD)

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Limited Seats only

People who wish to go into the future should have one skill to succeed – the ability to deal with people. In a world where job roles are changing rapidly, soft skills will be one of the few constants

EPD English Expert
English + Soft Skills
32 Classes (hrs)
Skills Gained
  • Improve Vocabulary
  • Confident Public Speaker
  • Grammar Topics

Report card every 16 classes
Free assessment after 32 classes

EPD Champion Personality
English + Soft Skills
64 Classes (hrs)
Skills Gained
  • All skills in English Expert
  • Creative Writing
  • EQ (Emotional Quotient) Booster
  • Life & People Skills

Report card every 16 classes
Free assessment after 32 classes
Certificate #1 after passing the test

EPD Academic Star
English + Soft Skills
96 Classes (hrs)
Skills Gained
  • All skills in Champion Personality
  • Creative & Imagination Booster
  • Leadership Skills
  • Rules for Success

Report card every 16 classes
Free assessment after 32 classes
Certificate #2 after passing the test

For tuition fees inquiries, please contact us via Line = @hossthailand (have @)

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